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The Only Complete Enterprise Mobility Solution

Why don’t businesses value mobile computing like they value office based computing?

I was chatting with one of our valued partners today, and we got into a very interesting discussion regarding the adoption of field based mobile computing. It appears as if we have both stumbled upon the same problem. The apparent disconnect between automating office based paper processes, and field based paper processes. This discussion really made me think.

“Why don’t businesses value mobile computing like they value office based computing?”

For years companies have been using computers in the office to aid in the functions necessary to run the daily operations of the business.

For Example:

  • Bookkeeping / Accounting
  • AR / AP
  • Payroll
  • E-mail
  • Customer Activity Tracking
  • Sales Performance Tracking
  • Resource Scheduling
  • Creating, assigning, and closing Work Orders
  • Ordering Parts
  • Updating Spreadsheets
  • Etc.

Could you imagine if each of these various office based functions were on paper and needed to be managed the same way field data is? As odd as it seems, it appears that these organizations just haven’t thought about the benefits of extending the reach of their many business systems out into the field. Mobile applications, specifically those built using MobileFrame, have the capability to easily extend the data contained in each of these systems to the mobile worker. Once the information is received the mobile worker is able to interact with the data to make better decisions faster, and with minimal impact to the office staff. Increasing the productivity of the Mobile Worker is just one of the areas mobile computing can assist an organization.

Here are some of the other benefits of Mobile Computing:

  • Increase number of jobs performed, customers visited, etc
  • Eliminate redundant manual data entry and data transcription errors, reducing clerical data entry costs
  • Provide real-time access to data in the field, ensuring workers have the information they need, when they need it
  • Reduce invoice and accounts receivable lag time
  • Improve customer service
  • Increase time spent in the field by eliminating the need to return to the office to complete paperwork
  • Increase efficiency and productivity of field workers

If those bullet points didn’t capture your attention, how does eliminating 7000 sheets of paper on a weekly basis sound? Miller Pipeline sure didn’t mind.

To learn more about how Mobile Computing can help your business reach new levels, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would love to show you how Mobile Computing can make a difference to your service based organization.