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The Only Complete Enterprise Mobility Solution

Monthly Archives: March 2010

3 Things that you should NEVER forget when going mobile

    1. Test on your selected devices – I’ve seen a number of mobile developers forget this important step. Remember, mobile computers don’t have the same computing power and memory that a normal computer does.

    2. Ask for feedback from the experts….your END USERS – Don’t forget to ask for feedback from the field workers that will actually be using the mobile application. It doesn’t matter what the application does if the mobile worker isn’t able to use it successfully. Simple is better, so plan ahead.

    3. Take the time to train your team – Not everyone is as familiar with technology as we’d like. Someone needs to help others understand how to operate their new device (even how to turn it on). Going from a paper work order with a 2 way radio to a mobile computer with a wireless work order system is a paradigm shift so plan ahead. Even better, create a user guide for them.

    To learn more about how MobileFrame can help you and your team with a successful mobile implementation contact us today.

    Dont forget to register for our Webinar on April 21st – Here’s the link to register – ClickToRegister

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Free Webinar on April 21st 2010, 11am EST: Automate Field Services Workers with Software and Mobility Solutions

Register Today

Who: You

Where: Online

When: April 21, 2010 11 a.m. EST

Why: Learn how you can gain a competitive advantage over your competition while increasing your bottom line. And, you’ll get to hear a customer success story firsthand from Denny Norman at Miller Pipeline how they have reduced invoicing lag from 3 weeks to 2 days. Continue reading

Customer Challenge Accepted: Cash Pickup Confirmation

I was talking to a potential client today that saw the challenge we offered on the website, and asked that we take a look at his mobile problem to see if we could offer up a solution. Here’s a summary of how we solved the problem: Continue reading

Mobile Work Order / Dispatch System – Created in 1.5 hours by Me!

Here’s round 2 on creating a mobile application and this time instead of a real time meal order taking application, I’ve created a simple Work Order System that includes a Dispatch app and a handheld app. They were both built using MobileFrame and completed in under 2 hours.

Here are the 2 Parts: Continue reading

What is RFID? What Does an RFID System Look like?

RFID or Radio Frequency Identification is a technology that involves the use of a tag that is applied or incorporated into a product or asset to help identify and track the item using Radio Waves. There are many different types of tags and associated readers available on the market today. It’s now common for organizations to not only look for ways to eliminate field based paper processes but to also think past bar-coding as well.

Here is a good example, you employ a team of 100+ Sales representatives that are in charge of doing inventory counts at customer locations (Think big box retailers) and the inventory needs to be 100% be accurate. The current solution involves the process of manually scanning 100’s if not 1000’s of products while at the customer’s site. No matter how diligent you are this can be a time consuming and error prone task. How do you solve the problem? Hire more sales people? Invest in better, faster scanners? Buy your sales reps memberships to the local gym so they can move faster? A great alternative would be to create an RFID based system. Continue reading