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Monthly Archives: December 2011

Communication Infrastructure Corporation Surveyed the Competition and Chose MobileFrame

Los Gatos, CA (December 22, 2011)MobileFrame LLC Configurable Mobile ApplicationTM Enterprise Software Solutions, provider of the only cross-device mobile application development platform that requires no custom coding to develop custom mobile apps, announces that Communication Infrastructure Corporation, a telecom surveying company, has selected MobileFrame’s software to create, dispatch and review electronic surveys.

Prior to implementing MobileFrame’s platform, Communication Infrastructure Corporation (CIC) was dispatching 55 engineers to customer locations to do cell tower site surveys where they would collect data such as line of site calculations, GPS coordinates, Visio drawings and photos. They saved all of this data in shared files instead of a central database, causing them to spend a lot of time trying to find the data as needed. They were also employing a staff of six quality control employees dedicated to reviewing the completed surveys, entering the data manually and creating reports for their customers. MobileFrame enables CIC to easily review historical data about each job site from a central database and eliminates the cumbersome manual data entry process. Continue reading

Accidents Happen

Accidents happen.  Mobile devices get lost, stolen and broken; it’s just a fact of life.  With as much as we rely on these devices, these accidents can grind production to a halt.  Not only is there a security risk, but now there is also the matter of installing the software on a new device and all the configuration needed to set it up.

MobileFrame‘s built-in Mobile Device Management (MDM) is designed to help in these instances.  Since the MobileFrame application is not hard-coded on the device you can quickly and easily change from one device to another.  Just install the client on a new device and you are back up and running, with barely skipping a beat.   And as far as security, you can force logoff, requiring password authentication to log back in.
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Make Better Use of Your Asset Management System

Equipment maintenance systems have been an integral part of production environments for decades.  There is no denying the importance and benefits of well-maintained equipment.  Prolonged asset life and reductions in both downtime and operating costs have turned maintenance from being viewed as a cost of doing business to vital part of being profitable.

Traditional barriers to effectively managing the maintenance process have been in organization and documentation of the system used.  Tracking each piece of equipment by last service date, frequency of service, scheduling of routine maintenance – all on paper – it becomes a full time job to maintain the maintenance system.  Computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) software was developed to organize this information, and quickly became not only a way of managing upkeep; it has become a tool for improving maintenance performance.
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Forbes Energy Services Drills into the Competition with MobileFrame’s Work Order App

Los Gatos, CA (December 7, 2011) – MobileFrame LLC., the leading provider of Configurable Mobile Applications™ enterprise software, announces that Forbes Energy Services, an independent oilfield services contractor, has chosen the MobileFrame Platform to replace their previous backend system to automate their work orders. Forbes Energy is an independent oilfield services contractor that provides a broad range of drilling and production related services to oil and natural gas companies.

Forbes Energy began evaluating mobile solutions because their 1,000 technicians were collecting all work order data on handwritten, paper forms. This resulted in 5,000 pieces of paper per day being turned into the office. This in turn required 20 to 30 clerks to manually enter the data into their business systems, resulting in a two week invoicing delay.   Forbes Energy Services needed to find a solution to help organize and ease the distribution and completion of their work orders, and found that MobileFrame’s 100% Code-Free Platform was a perfect fit to benefitting technicians as well as dispatchers. With MobileFrame’s Work Order Application, Forbes Energy will save time and money by automating and eliminating paper-based processes, resulting in a huge ROI. Continue reading