MobileFrame Blog

The Only Complete Enterprise Mobility Solution

Monthly Archives: October 2009

MobileFrame CEO, Lonny Oswalt, Appointed to Motorola Partner Advisory Council

As a valued Motorola partner, MobileFrame was invited to participate in the Motorola North America Enterprise Partner Advisory Council.  The Partner Advisory Council (PAC) is an invitation-only council created to gather top executives within Motorola’s partner community to engage in dialogue on key issues and ideas for the PartnerSelect Program, product development as well as to discuss and receive feedback in crafting Motorola’s direction and priorities within the channel community.  The PAC is a highly valued group within Motorola and this particular council has played a major role in the direction of first Symbol Technologies channel program and now Motorola’s Enterprise Mobility business channel program since 2003.

Visit MobileFrame at the Motorola Road Show at the Chicago Hilton (10/28 + 10/29)

MobileFrame will be exhibiting at the Motorola Road Show to be held at the Chicago Hilton on October 28th and 29th. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet with MobileFrame Business Development Manager, Bruce Redke and witness firsthand a live demonstration of MobileFrame’s patented 100% Code Free platform. Bruce will be demonstrating MobileFrame’s soon to be released version 4.6.

Mobile Technology Returns – What about Increased Revenue?

Here at MobileFrame we work with many different kinds of organizations looking to take advantages of the benefits of going mobile.  Most of these companies are searching for ways to reduce costs. This is very similar to the customer that I described a few weeks ago that was looking to eliminate the paper process from his organization (click Here to read the Article).    Many times these companies overlook the fact that going mobile will also lead to significantly increased revenues. Continue reading

Web Service Company Selects MobileFrame Platform and GS Data Solutions Project Implementation Services

Web Service Company, selected MobileFrame’s enterprise mobility platform to implement mobile applications across their operations.   The company installs coin operated washers and dryers in apartment complexes and campuses, so they have to repair them as well as collect money. MobileFrame is being deployed to 60 collectors and 120 service techs in the field. Prior to implementing MobileFrame, Web Service would get roughly 30,000 service calls per month and they were manually faxing paper work orders to the assigned technician. They would then close the work orders via phone using a dedicated person to close out all of the voice messages. Continue reading

Hill York Purchases MobileFrame Platform

Hill York, selected MobileFrame’s enterprise mobility software to automate technicians filling out work orders in the field.  MobileFrame reseller,  S2000Win sold the hardware, software, training, project management, and support services necessary to install and enable the mobile work order management, which is tightly integrated to S2000Win’s back office system.  S2000Win is selling this MobileFrame wireless solution to their installed base of over 500 HVAC customers. Continue reading

MobileFrame to Exhibit at Motorola Denver Government Solutions Showcase

MobileFrame will be exhibiting at the Motorola Government Solutions Showcase Event to be held at the Renaissance Hotel in Denver, Colorado on October 22.   Don’t miss this opportunity to meet with MobileFrame Executive Sales Representative, Dave Butler and witness firsthand a live demonstration of MobileFrame’s patented 100% Code Free platform.

MobileFrame Exhibiting at Motorola Prime Time Now Orlando Oct 21-22

MobileFrame will be exhibiting at the Motorola Prime Time Now Orlando Event to be held at the Omni Orlando Champions Gate Resort on October 21 – 22.   Don’t miss this opportunity to meet with MobileFrame Executive Sales Representative, Scott Manoff and witness firsthand a live demonstration of MobileFrame’s patented 100% Code Free platform.

Google Map Upgrades!

If you’re a customer or partner in the United States and you use MobileFrame’s GPS Tracking and Mapping functionality, you’ll be happy to hear that Google has just upgraded their United States maps.  They’ve updated them so they’re more accurate and they’ve added more detail around things like campuses and parks so that trails and walkways are now shown.

Since MobileFrame partners with Google to provide the maps for our geocoding and mapping functionality, our customers will automatically benefit from these upgrades without having to do anything.

For a complete run-down of the changes you can view the announcement in the Google LatLong Blog.

Breaking Down The Hype of Code Free Mobile Computing

The mobile community is littered with companies who claim to be “configurable” with “no coding”, but most are just spinning a web of marketing hype with no real substance.  MobileFrame not only holds the patent on 100% Code Free Mobile Computing, but we practice what we preach day in and day out.  Our mantra, Custom Mobile Applications with No Custom Programming means exactly that. Continue reading

Migrating your Forms from Paper to Electronic Format – Don’t forget the Business Logic!

I had an awesome discussion today with a potential client that is interested in converting his current paper based inspection process into electronic format.   He was very enthusiastic about the prospect of getting rid of the mountain of paper in his office.  His enthusiasm got me thinking about not only the benefits of eliminating paper but ALSO the benefits of embedded business logic.   For example:  if an inspection failed he could require that his inspectors collect information about why it failed, capture  a picture of the damage or issue, maybe even record a voice note and associate it with the inspection. Continue reading