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The Only Complete Enterprise Mobility Solution

Tag Archives: Mobile Device Management

Scheid Vineyards has chosen MobileFrame’s Inventory Control Application

Scheid Vineyards has chosen MobileFrame’s Inventory Control Application to track their inventory and crops. Prior to MobileFrame they were doing most of their data entry and inventory tracking manually, and found this system to be timely and inefficient. As Scheid Vineyards continues to grow, they decided that they were in need of more advanced software technology to help streamline their business operations. After researching several software packages, it was obvious that MobileFrame was a perfect fit. With MobileFrame, Scheid Vineyards has been able to automate harvest tracking and fertilization information down to the individual row level, which has achieved significant efficiency gains for the company. Now that Scheid Vineyards has automated the vineyard side of their business, they will be able to streamline their wineries data and inventory on the same platform, thus driving a much higher ROI.

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Innovation not Replication: Give the Enterprise Freedom of Choice

Over the past several months we have been working very closely with a large Consumer Packaged Goods Distribution company that has been in the process of evaluating different mobile software vendors to replace their legacy route accounting system.

They are interested in not only replacing their existing system but they also wanted to find a single platform to provide the ability to build, deploy, manage, and support all of their mobile application needs.
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Announcing Release of MobileFrame version 4.7

MobileFrame Enterprise Mobility Software
MobileFrame proudly announces version 4.7 of our enterprise mobility platform. With this version, we have added a series of useful new features including:

  • Database Setup Wizard.  This wizard helps users quickly and easily create a new MobileFrame database and set it up for use.  It will work with any/all databases supported by MobileFrame including SQL, Oracle and DB2 databases.
  • Task Version History.  When you save a task (a mobile application), an automatic backup of that version will be generated and stored in the database.  You can review all versions of your tasks, rollback to a particular version, or export different versions of your task.
  • Project Publisher.  With the new Project Publisher, Administrators can “publish” (export) entire Projects including mobile applications, enterprise data (static and dynamic), mobile workers, etc. This allows Administrators to move projects across servers from development to production and/or create complete backups of their projects. Continue reading

Mobile Project Gone Wrong?

Over the last couple of weeks I have had multiple discussions with organizations that tried to go mobile, only they weren’t successful. (FYI – None of these organizations have ever been MobileFrame customers)  After hearing about all of the obstacles they tried to overcome, I realized that they all have a few problems in common.
Problems Encountered:

  • Endless Professional Services Cycles (i.e. Development) – One company said that they have been trying to get their pilot started for the last year and a half. They’ve spent $100,000+ on Software and another $40,000+ on Hardware.  The hardware is still sitting in a corner collecting dust.
  • Difficult to use Development Environments – Some of these groups purchased development environments that claimed to be easy to use. They weren’t. This naturally lead to issue #1 which is the need to pay for a lot of money for Professional Services. Continue reading

Mobile Device Management – A little thing that makes a BIG difference

Mobile Device Management or simply MDM is software that provides the ability to control your organizations’ mobile devices while out in the field.   This usually includes functionality like wiping a device’s database, remote application updates and even remote control.

Over the past several years I’ve witnessed many organizations travel down the same path, they focus almost 100% of their energies on incorporating mobile technology into their business, but fail to think about the full lifecycle of the project.  This kind of thinking is usually characterized by questions such as:

  • What should phase 1 include?
  • What should my workflow look like?
  • What kinds of reports do we need?

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