MobileFrame Blog

The Only Complete Enterprise Mobility Solution

Tag Archives: Development Environment

Announcing Release of MobileFrame version 4.7

MobileFrame Enterprise Mobility Software
MobileFrame proudly announces version 4.7 of our enterprise mobility platform. With this version, we have added a series of useful new features including:

  • Database Setup Wizard.  This wizard helps users quickly and easily create a new MobileFrame database and set it up for use.  It will work with any/all databases supported by MobileFrame including SQL, Oracle and DB2 databases.
  • Task Version History.  When you save a task (a mobile application), an automatic backup of that version will be generated and stored in the database.  You can review all versions of your tasks, rollback to a particular version, or export different versions of your task.
  • Project Publisher.  With the new Project Publisher, Administrators can “publish” (export) entire Projects including mobile applications, enterprise data (static and dynamic), mobile workers, etc. This allows Administrators to move projects across servers from development to production and/or create complete backups of their projects. Continue reading

Mobile Work Order / Dispatch System – Created in 1.5 hours by Me!

Here’s round 2 on creating a mobile application and this time instead of a real time meal order taking application, I’ve created a simple Work Order System that includes a Dispatch app and a handheld app. They were both built using MobileFrame and completed in under 2 hours.

Here are the 2 Parts: Continue reading

2010 – A New Year, and a New Direction for the Blog!

It’s been a very busy year so far, we are almost into February and we’re getting just getting out our first blog post!  Fortunately we have been hard at work planning our content schedule and strategy around the blog for 2010, and have decided to add a new section to the blog specifically focusing on Mobile Education.  With all of the competing technologies, platforms, operating systems, carriers, it can be difficult to separate marketing hype from actual fact.  Our aim is to focus on one topic every couple of weeks, and try to shed more light on each particular subject.

Not surprisingly for this week we’ve decided to focus on : What a Mobile Computing Platform is, and why it matters Continue reading