MobileFrame Blog

The Only Complete Enterprise Mobility Solution

Monthly Archives: April 2010

Missed Opportunities

Choosing an Enterprise Mobility PlatformI was talking with one of our international customers today, and asked him a very simple question.

How many vendors did you look into before you decided to move forward with MobileFrame?

His answer, said it all… “I don’t know how many but we looked all over the globe for a mobile platform, and didn’t find what we were looking for until we found MobileFrame.”

That begged the question, why MobileFrame?

His answer was pretty telling. He said that after doing some investigation,  all of the other “Code-Free” development environments may have looked easy at first glance but were just smoke and mirrors when it came down to crunch time.
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Barcode Asset Inspection – Challenge Accepted

Here at MobileFrame we are pretty good at solving the problem of paper in the field. In this case we had a customer come to us with a very simple yet, annoying problem.

Here’s the current process:

  • Write the Barcode from the asset on a sheet of paper
  • Indicate if it passed or failed inspection
  • If the asset failed, indicate why

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Chapman Metering purchases MobileFrame to automate Work Order Management

Chapman Metering, a utility contractor specializing in meter installations and testing services, has chosen MobileFrame to automate their Work Order Management.  Chapman Metering was looking for an easy-to-use software solution that would allow them to customize their mobile work orders, and integrate to their existing Access-based backend system, without requiring custom programming.  In addition, they needed an enterprise mobility solution which would allow them to embed photos and collect GPS location data. Continue reading

MobileFrame 4.7 Sneak Peek Available

A Sneak Peek video outlining some of the cool new features of the upcoming 4.7 release has been made available to customers and partners.  If you’re an existing customer or partner, you can log into your support account at to view the sneak peek videos.  You can find them under Presentations->Sneak Peeks.

If you don’t have access to the support site or you can’t find this option after logging in to your account, please contact your sales representative.