MobileFrame Blog

The Only Complete Enterprise Mobility Solution

Monthly Archives: July 2011

Wheat Growers Sprouts More Business with MobileFrame’s Sales Order Entry App

South Dakota Wheat Growers, an innovative grain and agronomy cooperative with many active members throughout the James River Valley in eastern North and South Dakota, has selected MobileFrame’s enterprise mobility software to increase efficiencies and productivity across the company. Wheat Growers was looking for a way to streamline the process that their agronomists, or sales people, used for their sales order entry process. The agronomists were collecting the data on paper then manually entering that data in their backend business systems. Eliminating the manual data entry task alone allows the sales team to spend more time selling and less time doing clerical work.

Making the sales team more efficient is only the first step in improving efficiencies across the entire company. They have big plans for their mobile app deployments, including:

  • Inventory Receiving
  • Picking Sales Orders in the warehouse
  • Packing the orders into shipping cartons
  • Inventory Cycle Counts

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Innovation not Replication: Give the Enterprise Freedom of Choice

Over the past several months we have been working very closely with a large Consumer Packaged Goods Distribution company that has been in the process of evaluating different mobile software vendors to replace their legacy route accounting system.

They are interested in not only replacing their existing system but they also wanted to find a single platform to provide the ability to build, deploy, manage, and support all of their mobile application needs.
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