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Tag Archives: Field Inspections

City of Chicago Department of Water Purifies Their Water Inspection Process with MobileFrame

Los Gatos, CA (June 29, 2012) – MobileFrame LLC, provider of the only cross-device mobile application development platform that requires no custom coding to develop custom enterprise mobile apps, announces that the City of Chicago Department of Water has chosen MobileFrame for their Water Inspection Application.

The City of Chicago Department of Water, which is responsible for delivering a billion gallons of fresh water to the residents of Chicago and surrounding communities, switched from their previous highly limited solution to MobileFrame because of its flexibility and ease of use.

The City of Chicago Department of Water has some very significant responsibilities when it comes to maintaining clean drinking water for its citizens. Its inspection staff is responsible for performing the necessary assessments to ensure compliance with their current water standards, as well as removing the waste water and storm runoff from the streets of Chicago via their sewer system and delivering the effluent for treatment to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. This is all accomplished through a network of purification plants, tunnels, pumping stations, water mains, sewer mains, valves and structures that require constant upkeep and maintenance. MobileFrame’s water inspection application has allowed them to collect their inspection data electronically, which has significantly improved this process by ensuring accuracy and efficiency.   Continue reading

Indianapolis Power and Light Puts a Lid on their Manhole Inspections Issues with MobileFrame

Los Gatos, CA (June, 14, 2012) – MobileFrame LLC, provider of the only cross-device mobile application development platform that requires no custom coding to develop custom enterprise mobile apps, announces that Indianapolis Power and Light has chosen MobileFrame’s application to eliminate the paper forms used for manhole inspections.

IPL is a leading provider of electric services to more than 470,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in Indianapolis and other central Indiana communities.  IPL needed to eliminate the paper forms used for manhole inspections, increase efficiencies and to make their data easily accessible to regulatory agencies. Because the software is specifically designed for mobility and fully customizable, IPL knew that MobileFrame would be a perfect fit.

Since manholes are considered the windows to the condition of America’s pipelines as well as a critical access point for storm water runoff and pollutants, it is very important to maintain their structural integrity. Proactive manhole assessment is a key component of any collection system asset management program. IPL found out that using a clipboard and paper to collect data, then having to aggregate hundreds of paper forms to prioritize rehabilitation was very inefficient. This is when MobileFrame stepped in. Continue reading

Mapes and Sprowl ‘Steels’ the Lead with MobileFrame’s Inspection Application

Los Gatos, CA (February 17, 2012) – MobileFrame LLC, provider of the only cross-device mobile application development platform that requires no custom coding to develop custom mobile apps, announces that Mapes and Sprowl Steel, a leading service center specializing in enameling steel for porcelain-coating applications and silicon steel for electrical applications, has chosen MobileFrame’s Inspection Application.

Mapes and Sprowl was interested in standardizing on a single mobile application platform that would allow them to easily configure and deploy any app for any department on any handheld computer.  Because they already had a custom coded inspection application in use, they knew the time and effort that custom coding requires. They not only wanted to upgrade their app, but they also wanted to automate many other processes across the company. Once they began their evaluation of the solutions in the marketplace, they quickly realized that MobileFrame’s Configurable ApplicationTM platform provided the flexibility they needed to easily deploy apps customized to their own requirements. Another key factor in their vendor selection was the fact that MobileFrame’s solution has all of the management features needed for a successful deployment already built in.   Continue reading

Deiter Brothers is Delivering More Efficiency with MobileFrame’s Field Service App

Los Gatos, CA (September 19, 2011) – MobileFrame, LLC., the leading provider of Configurable Mobile Applications™ enterprise software, announces that Deiter Brothers, an HVAC delivery company, has chosen MobileFrame’s Field Service Application for their technicians. Deiter Brothers has been providing fuel oilheating oilpropane, HVAC,  air conditioningradiant heatheat pumpfurnaceonsite and fleet fueling, and other indoor comfort services in many homes and businesses in the Lehigh Valley area for over 80 years.

In order to become more efficient and eliminate manual data entry and paperwork in addition to providing real-time invoicing for their customers, Deiter Brothers chose MobileFrame’s Field Service Application.  Through MobileFrame’s partnership with Blue Cow Software, which is also their business system, Deiter Brothers will be much more efficient for real time invoicing and eliminating paper work now that they will no longer be tied to a paper based system. Continue reading

Navajo Tribal Utility Authority goes paperless with MobileFrame

Navajo Tribal Utility Authority has chosen MobileFrame to automate the readings of 37,000 meters. Navajo Tribal Utility Authority is using MobileFrame to replace their paper-based processes, which they found to be inefficient, time-consuming and error-prone. Navajo Tribal Utility Authority has realized the need for a robust mobility solution with a proven track record. After seeing MobileFrame’s full-featured platform in action, Navajo Tribal Utility Authority was confident that it would meet their needs. With MobileFrame, Navajo Tribal Utility will be able to utilize the latest mobility technologies to implement full-featured mobile meter reading applications using bar code and in the future plan to implement RFID tags, which easily integrates with their Access backend system.

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General Electric selects MobileFrame for Fire Extinguisher and Water Valve Inspection automation

General Electric has chosen MobileFrame to automate their fire extinguisher and water valve inspections.  Prior to adopting MobileFrame’s platform, GE’s inspectors collected data on paper and manually re-entered the results into their Access Database.  GE realized that it had become necessary to adopt a robust mobility solution to make these inspections more efficient.  After thoroughly evaluating several point solutions, GE recognized that they needed a more comprehensive solution with a complete set of mobility tools. With MobileFrame, General Electric will be able to utilize the latest mobility technologies to implement full-featured inspection mobile applications that closely integrates with their existing backend systems. Continue reading

Dickinson Fleet Services purchases MobileFrame for vehicle maintenance and inspections

Dickinson Fleet Services has purchased MobileFrame to automate their vehicle maintenance and inspections.  Our partner, GS Data, demonstrated the MobileFrame platform to Dickinson and will be writing their vehicle maintenance and inspections mobile applications.  With MobileFrame, Dickinson Fleet Services will be able to utilize the latest mobility technologies to implement full-featured mobile applications for their vehicle maintenance and inspections.

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Ameren selects MobileFrame to automate substation inspections

Ameren has chosen MobileFrame as their standard mobility platform, with their first project being to automate their substation inspections, preventative maintenance and facility repairs. Subsequently, Ameren has 200+ forms that they plan to automate across their various departments.  Prior to adopting MobileFrame, Ameren had 20-25 people who manually re-entered collected data from paper forms.  Ameren’s central IT department recognized that a platform solution, like MobileFrame, would result in a huge ROI when going mobile.  After a thorough evaluation of all solutions in the marketplace, Ameren chose MobileFrame for its ease of use, flexibility, and because MobileFrame provides a complete set of mobility tools that includes an integration wizard and mobile device management.

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Advanced Powering Services purchases MobileFrame to automate field inspections and maintenance

Advanced Powering Services has chosen MobileFrame to automate their field inspections and maintenance activities.  APS performs semi-annual maintenance on 3500+ pieces of equipment across CA, AZ and NV primarily for the Cable TV Industry.  In addition, APS performs field inspections of all the equipment at a facility. Prior to adopting MobileFrame’s platform, APS’s business process was entirely paper-based.  APS wanted to grow their business and they recognized that eliminating paper forms and manual data entry was the best way to go.  They plan to write their own mobile applications, using the MobileFrame platform, and deploy them to Netbooks operating on Verizon’s 3G network. Continue reading