MobileFrame Blog

The Only Complete Enterprise Mobility Solution

Tag Archives: Workflows

What is the perfect application?

Over the last several months I have been talking with many customers and have been asking them to describe the perfect application. This is the list of attributes that they came up with.

  • Integrated
  • Secure
  • Scalable
  • Enforceable Workflows
  • Clean “Validated” Data
  • Device Support
  • Peripheral Support
  • Location Aware
  • Connection Agnostic
  • Management Tools
  • Support for Change Management
  • Documentation

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Migrating your Forms from Paper to Electronic Format – Don’t forget the Business Logic!

I had an awesome discussion today with a potential client that is interested in converting his current paper based inspection process into electronic format.   He was very enthusiastic about the prospect of getting rid of the mountain of paper in his office.  His enthusiasm got me thinking about not only the benefits of eliminating paper but ALSO the benefits of embedded business logic.   For example:  if an inspection failed he could require that his inspectors collect information about why it failed, capture  a picture of the damage or issue, maybe even record a voice note and associate it with the inspection. Continue reading