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The Only Complete Enterprise Mobility Solution

Top 5 Low-Code / Code-Free Mobile App Platform Benefits

Customers and employees continue to expect more and more digital and mobile work processes to be done on their own mobile devices, regardless of the operating system.  Business and IT leaders recognize these user expectations and understand the benefits associated with delivering value-add mobile app solutions.  

Trying to meet these needs using traditional coding is becoming increasingly challenging due to constrained resources, the expense of custom development and diminishing funding.  These challenges are driving the need for low-code / code-free development solutions.

Code-free mobile application platforms provide the opportunity to resolve not only individual business unit problems but enable organization-wide digital transformation through streamlining and digitizing processes across the enterprise.  Choosing the right platform will allow you to turn your digital transformation strategy into a reality.

With the proper tools and governance both application development & delivery (AD&D) professionals can provide mobile apps 10X faster than traditional development efforts.  Leveraging a low-code or code-free mobile application platform allows IT and the business to work together to meet the ever rising pressure of customer and management demands.  

In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic the need for speed, ease of use, flexibility, customer centric design and positive ROI are not only critical to maintain a competitive advantage but required just to stay in the game.  Using a code-free mobile app platform will allow you to meet these needs and win!


Benefit #1:  Time to Market


Every hour and every day you cut from the app development timeline saves time and money allowing you to do much more with much less.

“The MobileFrame code-free platform has allowed us to spin up new projects faster with significantly less overhead.  With only 2 developers we deployed over 150 apps from scratch.”

– David Stiger, Director of Gas Solutions, Hydromax USA

Apps can be made in a couple of hours while changes and updates can be made in minutes. Manually writing or hard-coding every line of code is replaced by intuitive drag-and-drop functionality allowing both developers and business users to do more. Users of a code-free platform also have the advantage of easy-to-implement API’s into the third-party tools they know and love, resulting in no time lost to a learning curve.

In addition to the time saved developing your apps, one-click application automates and eliminates deployment and operational processes that can be so time-consuming.  The ability to quickly write an app, deploy across multiple operating systems and make changes on the fly is a key competitive advantage when driving digital transformation across the enterprise.


Benefit #2:  Easy to Use


A low-code or code-free platform is easy to use for IT and business resources alike.  With some knowledge of technical skills and little to no training a typical user can turn a simple form or Excel file into a usable app within an hour or less.  With some training and a few weeks of hands on experience most users will be able to digitize any process including integration into any back-end system allowing robust reporting and dashboard access.


“I love the ability to deploy new apps quickly and the control we have to make app changes on-the-fly as the business demands it.”

Rene Diaz, Mission Foods CIO


As a bonus, the ease of use allows an organization to avoid costly third-party developers which is often cost prohibitive or leads to hidden costs and missed timelines. This cost-effective substitute for outsourcing enables IT resources to focus on other critical demands.


Benefit #3: Flexibility


Having the capability to adapt to changing market dynamics, competitive pressures, supplier and customer demands and unknown threats such as the current coronavirus pandemic is critical to any businesses ability to survive and thrive.  Being able to introduce new apps or make changes to existing apps to solve those business challenges is a fundamental benefit of a no-code / code-free platform.


“I am continually amazed at how flexible and encompassing the code-free MobileFrame platform is.  We’re able to deliver apps to solve business challenges very quickly.”

— George Huber, Director of IT, Sundt Construction


This ability to quickly deploy or update digital solutions and integrate easily with legacy systems is a fundamental benefit in a low-code platform.  In addition to drag-and-drop features, visual modeling makes it easy to change and manage your data.


Benefit #4: Enhanced Customer Centric Design

User Centric Design

By allowing the end-user, the real process experts, the ability to directly build their vision into the software solution a more streamlined process is embedded into the application.  Code-free platforms give the end-user the ultimate control over the user experience design. Using visual models allows your team capture requirements and define processes directly in the platform plus incorporate feedback in real-time.


“Our technicians are very good at what they do, but they’re not very good at paperwork.  Using the MobileFrame platform excited the techs because they recognized a mobile process would allow them to complete another service call per day.”

— Steve Raymond, Raymond Handling Concepts President


A no-code mobile platform allows optimization of the process not only during the initial design of the app but is easily maintained and improved at any time following the apps deployment.  The end result is a more pleasant user experience which ultimately improves employee productivity, efficiency and motivation.  


Benefit 5: Return on Investment  


There are numerous quantitative and qualitative financial benefits that are directly tied to the ROI of a low-code / no-code platform, including but not limited to:

  • Reduced software development costs.
  • Changes made without having to pay an external 3rd party.
  • Low and fixed technology costs when development is done in-house.
  • Time that would normally be spent on custom code is saved and can be repurposed to focus on other priorities.
  • Because code-free platforms speed up software development, so too is innovation allowing employees to get more done in less time meaning faster resolution to business challenges.
  • Code-free mobile platforms offer robust security features reducing overall risk and the associated expense to that risk.
  • Providing the end-user with the ability to build apps increases the amount of user engagement and therefore the overall level of employee satisfaction.  Happy employees are more productive and typically stay longer with an employer.
  • Allowing employees to perform no-code development contributes to the reduction of shadow IT.

“Replacing our pen and paper processes increased the efficiency level of our field force by at least 80%”

— Somchai Moy, MicroVention Project Manager


MobileFrame not only provides speed, ease of use, flexibility, customer centric design and positive ROI, it is the only mobile app development platform designed specifically for the enterprise.  It’s the fastest and easiest platform for building mobile apps with everything businesses need to design, deploy and manage enterprise apps in a rapid and cost-effective manner.  

Please call us today 408.885.1200 to speak to one of our experts who can answer any of your low-code / no-code questions.