MobileFrame Blog

The Only Complete Enterprise Mobility Solution

Announcing Release of MobileFrame version 6.7 Code-free Mobile ERP Platform

MobileFrame, the only true 100% code-free enterprise class mobile ERP platform, announces the release of version 6.7 that enables customers to deploy and manage sophisticated native, web or hybrid applications across iOS, Android and Windows based operating systems. Powered by MobileFrame’s patented, code- free “write once, deploy anywhere” mobile ERP platform approach, enterprises can design, build, configure, test and manage custom apps across the enterprise from a single platform with no coding required.  Every feature required for a successful enterprise class deployment is built-in, including mobile application development, device management, project administration, GPS tracking, robust synchronization and military grade security. With version 6.7 MobileFrame has added the following enhancements and new features:

  • Google Maps Integration: This feature has been updated to allow users to specify a system wide Google Maps API key for use with the Google Maps Integration features (more below).
  • Global System Settings: You can now specify global system settings for your preferred Email Server and/or your Google Maps API key. The various workflow functions will default to using the system settings, although you can still specify them per workflow if desired. This will allow you to easily change these settings in one place without having to update every workflow function using these settings.
  • New Get Map function: this new function allows simple retrieval of Google Maps images. This enables a user to easily pinpoint the location of an asset in the field (such as hard to find buildings or locations that may not have street signs). This function requires the Google Maps Integration.
  • Address Lookup function: updated to use the Google Maps API key specified in the Global System Settings by default.
  • View Device Tracking Map: this function has been updated to use the Global System Settings by default.
  • Get GPS Information: the horizontal precision and vertical precision have been renamed to Horizontal Accuracy and Vertical Accuracy for consistency with standard naming conventions for this data type.
  • Results Inspector:  updated User filter to make it easier to pick a specific User (when you have lots of Users). In addition, some further improvements have been added to allow administrators to review the contents of invalid results for diagnostic purposes.
  • Windows GPS Handling: the internal GPS handling has been modified to use the standard .NET API GPS handling to ensure the new GPS API works correctly on newer devices.

Digital transformation has given the need for next generation technologies to make that transition easily, with minimal disruption to core business practices. MobileFrame is the only code-free mobile app development platform that allows enterprises to design, develop, test and deploy multi-channel mobile apps in a fraction of the time required by other SDK’s and code-based tools. Our ease of use means development staff or even line-of-business personnel can build mobile apps with stunning pixel perfect UI interfaces. MobileFrame’s write once, deploy everywhere approach is critical to organizations wanting to unlock the full potential of mobility as part of their digital transformation business strategy.

“Most mobile app development platform providers are still primarily engaged in building coding tools,” said Lonny Oswalt, MobileFrame CEO. “Innovation rarely entails doing things the same way over and over. For 18 years and counting, we’re continuing to blaze a new path of innovation in 100% code-free mobile computing and that’s how MobileFrame customers like Hydromax USA are building over 150 custom apps from scratch in a year’s timeframe without requiring a single line of coding.  Who does that? That’s the power of MobileFrame’s innovation; making the impossible, possible.”