MobileFrame Blog

The Only Complete Enterprise Mobility Solution

Does your mobile strategy include support for the full lifecycle of your mobile applications?

Enterprise mobility is certainly getting a lot of attention these days. Especially when you consider that organizations have been forced to do more with less resources.  Service based organizations, no matter the size have been looking for ways to take advantage of mobile technologies, and uncover the benefits of going mobile.

One fallacy that I’ve found when companies are investigating mobile solution providers is that they fail to consider the full lifecycle of the project.  Here are a couple of questions that should be asked.

  • How am I going to make changes to the application when feedback is received from the field?
  • How can I deploy the changes to the field force when the mobile application is updated?
  • How can I enforce Security Policies?
  • How is IT going to be able to support these mobile workers when they are disconnected from the corporate environment?

MobileFrame provides support for the full lifecycle of enterprise mobility deployments; we make it easy to design, develop, deploy, and support custom mobile applications.   Inside of our 100% code free mobile computing environment application bug fixes and updates can be fixed in minutes, and deployed to the field in seconds.  Existing security policies can be kept intact and mobile devices can be locked down to prevent users from accessing unapproved, black listed applications.  IT can support mobile workers out in the field with our Mobile Device Management capabilities, including taking remote control of the mobile workers device.

If you are interested in learning how MobileFrame can provide your organization support for the full lifecycle of your Custom Mobile Application, contact us today.