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The Only Complete Enterprise Mobility Solution

Why Companies Have Problems Buying Custom Mobile Software

CustomDemoIn this article we’re going to cover the answer to this question and more, including how your organization can eliminate these obstacles and jumpstart your mobile project today.

Here is the deal.

Organizations that are interested in buying custom software are looking for a solution that is tailor made to meet their business requirements, and hence give them a competitive advantage, right?

The challenge is that because the solution needs to be built to your specific requirements, during the engagement process your team will likely run into a problem.

Taking the leap.

The reason is simple; when a solution has not yet been developed it is likely that your team will have a hard time agreeing on the requirements and envisioning what the final product will look like. Hence the perception is that it is easier, and less risky to maintain the status quo, or go with a canned (off the shelf) application. The problem is that canned apps typically don’t meet a customer’s unique requirements.

In order to address these issues, we offer our clients a custom application demo.

Here is how it works:

1. Speak with one of our solution experts – we’ll discuss your business requirements to determine if MobileFrame is a good fit with your project.

2. Send us your forms – Assuming that we have a good fit we’ll ask for you to share your paper forms, spreadsheets, and current data collection process.

3. Custom Demo – we’ll create a custom application prototype from your current forms and workflows.  The app will include the ability to take photos, capture signatures, scan barcodes, etc.

4. Meeting – we’ll set up a meeting to review the application together

5. Make app changes – we’ll also make changes to the apps to show you how easy it is to do. We’ll deploy those changes to the device in real-time.

Utilizing this approach allows all of the key stakeholders within your company the ability to conceptualize how your application could look and feel, and give you the foundation to get started.

Getting started is easy, simply request an online demo by clicking HERE.  One of our solution consultants will be in touch right away to start the process.