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Mobile Apps for NERC, FERC Compliance

Regulatory Compliance…’s a big issue that can’t be ignored. No matter what kind of utility company you are, from nuclear power to gas distribution, electric or water you all share some common challenges. The nature of the business calls for large teams of mobile employees who conduct inspections, maintenance and repairs in the field.  Most companies are still collecting that data on clipboards and paper, which means the office staff has to manually enter the data into your business systems. This manual process is error prone, requires excessive labor costs and even worse, it causes delays in getting access to the data needed to stay in compliance.

The key to solving this problem is to go paperless with a mobile app solution. When evaluating solutions, look for a platform approach that can be used for all apps across all departments instead of trying to manage a variety of different vendors.  Another high priority should be to select a vendor that offers apps that are integrated tightly together. For example, consider this:

  • An issue is found during a routine inspection. From the inspection app, a repair order is automatically opened
  • Repair Order is then dispatched to a tech in real-time
  • From a web portal, the status of the repair can be tracked and updated daily

Automation like this is just one way for you to stay in compliance for more easily for NERC, FERC and other State and Local regulatory agencies. MobileFrame’s Configurable Mobile Solution platform can quickly automate all manual processes, including:

  • Sub-Station Inspections
  • Electric Grid Inspections
  • Transmission Line Inspections
  • Maintenance for all your Sub-Stations, Grids, Transmission lines etc
  • Work Orders
  • Asset Tracking
  • Inventory Tracking
  • Vehicle DOT Daily Inspections of your fleet
  • GPS Tracking of your field workers and the fleet
  • Time Cards and time keeping applications


The list of apps goes on and on.  Going paperless will give your field force access to previous inspection data, maintenance records, repair manuals and more all at their fingertips. Your entire team could be paperless in a very short time frame, making the entire company much more efficient. With our solution, you don’t have to be a programmer to create mobile apps and all of the features needed for a complete management solution are built in to ensure a successful deployment.